145 Days on the Wisdom Road
– Odyssey Saga Hits Milestone –
Readers invited to join online pilgrimage across North America
Santa Fe, NM – As of November 14, 2006 the saga Odyssey of the 8th Fire has completed 145 days of its literary pilgrimage.
Odyssey tells the true story of a epic journey which began in 1995, but which is still unfinished as of 2006. Despite monumental obstacles, the pilgrimage and its story have endured for 145 days and made it from the Atlantic Ocean to the eastern mesas of New Mexico, heading West. There is further to go.
This pilgrimage for the earth involves people of all colors and faiths, and is guided by ancient Algonquin teachings. The telling of the walk’s as-yet-unfinished tale (creative nonfiction in online evolution) is progressing day by day on the internet until February, 2007 at http://www.8thfire.net
While the pilgrimage took place in 1995-96, the teachings the walkers recovered as they crossed Turtle Island (North America) are of urgent relevance today as war rips apart the Middle East, and our deteriorating global environment threatens general stability.
Author Steven McFadden, a resident of Santa Fe, has a degree in journalism from Boston University, and 30 years of experience as a writer, teacher and speaker. He kept a daily journal during the 230-day walk, beginning in 1995. McFadden then enriched the journal so that it might serve also as a compendium of wisdom teachings of North America. Now he is publishing the story, making it available to all.
McFadden will give a workshop based on Odyssey of the 8th Fire at 7 PM on Friday, February 2, 2007 in Santa Fe, NM, at a location to be announced.
There is still time for readers to join the online pilgrimage, and to read along day by day as the true, unfinished story unfolds in serial fashion.
When complete, Odyssey of the 8th Fire will be archived on the internet, to serve future generations.
Odyssey of the 8th Fire
Downloadable photo and bio of author Steven McFadden
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