I’m pleased to announce that I’ve written and published a new book Tales of the Whirling Rainbow: Myths & Mysteries for Our Times.
The book is my account of some of the key myths and mysteries of the Americas, and an exploration of how those myths are echoed in real time. The true stories in the book arise out of my experiences over the last four decades, and also out of the venerable tradition of storytelling.
This ebook is in part a pastiche of elements I have written for other books and articles, now woven together in a new telling both by the context of time as 2012 approaches, and also by the living, mythic image of the whirling rainbow.
In his book Transformations of Myth Through Time, Joseph Campbell noted that a society that does not have a myth to support it and give it coherence goes into dissolution. “That,” he wrote, “is what’s happening to us.” And that, I feel, is why it is worthwhile to tell the rainbow tales again in yet another way in this ebook, to contribute a word picture of what I regard as a supporting and coherent myth for our times, a mystery to engage the fullness of the contemporary soul.
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