- The Story of Chiron
- Chiron’s Museum of Marvelous Memes
- Earth Day Council Circles – Guide and Protocol
- Tools for Becoming a Sage: Rabbi Zalman Schacter-Shalomi
- Community Farms in the 21St Century – 2-part article on CSA history & development
- Here She Comes: Margaret Connolly
- Outside the Box, but Inside the Hoop: Community Farms (CSA)
- Establishing CSA Farms: Three Overlooked Seeds
- Let Us Now Praise the Common Sense of Agroecology
- Arising from Sacred Land, Aiming Upward – Doug George Kanentiio & Joanne Shenandoah
- Massive Majestic Medicine Wheel Ceremony to Help Heal Our Earth.
- >>>> Ceremonial Protocol for the Medicine Wheel
- History of Organic Farming – interview with Steven McFadden
- Winter Festival: A Mystery Thinly Veiled.
- Michaelmas Festival: Beyond The Balancing Point.
- Cachora Comes to the Holy City: Don Juan in Santa Fe.
- Redeeming an Unholy Fire: Pilgrimage to the Poisoned Heart of Avanyu.
- Final Embers of Hiroshima Peace Flame Expire in Ceremony at Big Mountain.
- Hocokat-Ton-Yan Wicozanni (Healing in a Circle).
- On the Road: Our Evolving Turtle Island Odyssey.
- Let us now Praise a Worthy Man: Grandfather William Commanda at age 90.
- Steep Uphill Climb: Messages from the Mayan Milieu
- Audio clip MP3- preview of “Odyssey of the 8th Fire” (6 minutes)
- The Reading Bud’s 2023 Interview with Steven McFadden
- Blossoms in The Age of Flowers