As of February, 2007, journalist Steven McFadden has completed writing the true saga Odyssey of the 8th Fire — after 225 consecutive days of telling: a work of creative non-fiction in online evolution.
Odyssey of the 8th Fire tells the story of a epic walk across North America – from the Eastern Door at the Atlantic Ocean toward the Western Gate at the Pacific Ocean.
The historic pilgrimage for the Earth began in 1995. While the story is now complete, the walk itself is still unfinished, having been stopped 100 miles short of its destination.
The pilgrimage for the earth involved people of all colors and faiths, and was guided by ancient Algonquin, Lakota, and Hopi teachings. The telling of the walk’s tale progressed day by day on the internet since June, 2006 at
The teachings the walkers recovered as they crossed Turtle Island (North America) are of urgent relevance today as our deteriorating global environment threatens general stability.
Author Steven McFadden has a degree in journalism from Boston University, and 30 years of experience as a writer, teacher and speaker. He kept a daily journal during the walk, beginning in 1995. McFadden then enriched the journal so that Odyssey of the 8th Fire might serve also as a compendium of wisdom teachings of North America.
Odyssey of the 8th Fire
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